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Please read enclosed leaflet before use. Precaution: 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying.
An intravenous injection of 100-200 mg. of L-cysteine or an intramuscular injection of 20-60 mg of BAL (dimercaprol or 2, 3-di-mercapatopropanol) are recommended. Apply steroids against dermatitis.
Please see enclosed label. Symptoms: Please see enclosed label. Recommendations: It is recommended to control stem borer and leaf folder on rice crop.
1. No to be used on crops and posts other than mentioned on label/leaflet. 2. Not to be used for post harvest application. 3. Destroy Container after use as directed on leaflet. 4. For use in poly Houses & confined areas - see leaflet.
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Agrico Fertilizers AND Biochemicals
Agrico Fertilizers AND Biochemicals
Regd. Off. 118/18, Parvati Nagar, Ward No.75, Maharajpur, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482004 Corp. Office: Block A-6, Kamal Vihar, Kamalpur , Burari ,Delhi 110084